The Ambassador is a biblically informed Christian coalition that engages issues of religion, race, justice, and culture in ways that pursue reconciliation. Hear from Jarryd, Tracee and Purshia as they speak on their vision and mission for The Ambassador.



Born and raised in Kansas City, Jarryd now works as a ministry leader at a local church in Ames, Iowa. There are many reasons he’s passionate about racial reconciliation, but the main reason is theological. It’s impossible to look at the scriptures talking about unity and reconciliation without bridging the gap to our American context and see how we’ve dropped the ball. We are a divided nation with divided churches. Jarryd’s hope is that the gospel can be evident and manifest in ways that spark a desire in the hearts of ministry leaders to centralize the multiethnic church. Watch or listen to our podcast to learn more about Jarryd!



Born and raised in Los Angeles, Tracee now works as a youth ministry leader at a local church in Ames, Iowa. Tracee cares about racial reconciliation because the God of the universe cares about it. He himself experienced the greatest of injustices when he went to the cross to reconcile broken sinners first to himself and then to one another. He is a God of both justice and mercy... oh how kind he is, to call us to himself and then empowers us to pick up our cross daily to fight for the gospel, to not only be displayed in our own lives but in others! I care about it because I want to continuously have a heart that looks more like Jesus.



Born and raised in Texas, Purshia now works as a college ministry leader at a local church in Ames, Iowa. She loves reading and LOVES the world of natural hair care, so she watches a ton of YouTube tutorials and spends a lot of time experimenting on her hair. Purshia is passionate about fighting for racial reconciliation because she knows that it's something God cares about more than she does. It makes much of Him and is a huge way to apply the command of Micah 6:8 to "To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." 
